Partnering with Churches to Share Christ Through Sports
Churches are the basis of UW’s summer ministry platforms. UW believes that local churches are critical pieces of the communities they serve. Our desire is to come alongside the local church through sports camps, to strengthen and support your current ministry and outreach to your community. Churches using UW resources find that they are affecting their communities for Christ in a new and relevant way.

Partner with UW Sports Ministry to bring an engaging, church-focused sports camp to your community!
What UW Provides
UW provides strong, high-quality Bible and sports curriculum paired with music and object lessons to create an encompassing sports camp package:
- Geared for ages 4-12
- 5-day Bible and sports curriculum
- High-energy rally times
- Leadership opportunities for church teens and volunteers
- Morning or evening camp schedules available
- Team Camp or Coach-It-Yourself (CIY) Camp options
- Team Camps – UW sends a trained team to help lead your camp
- CIY Camps – Purchase UW materials to run your own camp
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes. UW has standard base prices for Team Camps based on the size of your camp. However, we never want cost to be the prohibiting factor to hosting a camp. Contact us to learn more about pricing options.